Leadvisors Fund Management Joint Stock Company announces information on Minutes and Resolutions of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and changes in internal personnel
Leadvisors Fund Management Joint Stock Company announces information on Minutes and Resolutions of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and changes in internal personnel

Leadvisors Fund Management Joint Stock Company announces information on Minutes and Resolutions of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and changes in internal personnel

On May 10, 2024, Leadvisors QLQ Joint Stock Company held an extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to dismiss and elect to replace members of the Board of Directors. Details are as follows:
1. Members withdraw from the Board of Directors:
– Full name: Mr. Le Dinh Quang
– Date of dismissal: May 10, 2024
2. Appointed members of the Board of Directors:
– Full name: Mr. Trinh Quoc Binh
– Appointment date: May 10, 2024
(Dispatch of information disclosure, BB and resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders attached)

1. BB hop DHDCD so 02-2024-BB-DHDCD ngay 10.05.2024 – sign

2. NQ so 02-2024-NQ-DHDCD ngay 10.05.2024 -sign

3. CV so 38-2024-CBTT Bien ban, NQ DHDCD bat thuong va thay doi nguoi noi bo – sign